John checks in with ESPN's Pablo Torre, demands that The Hold Steady's Craig Finn justify his fandom, and asks what we're falling for now.

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The Hold Steady’s Craig Finn, admitted Twins and Vikings fan

John Moe opens this episode wondering what we’re falling for now.  The impetus for this is a scene in Richard Linklater’s Boyhood, where Ethan Hawke’s character marvels at the longevity and ability of Roger Clemens.  As it turned out, there were (allegedly) reasons for that.  Lance Armstrong, Danny Almonte, and Marion Jones are also referenced as other sports figures whose feats the general public celebrated until those accomplishments were proven to be enabled by PEDs and fake birth certificates.  So, when you’re told that Michael Sam deserved to fall in the draft, and deserved to be cut by the Rams: Are you falling for something again?

TALKING TO A SPORTS GUY ABOUT WEED: ESPN senior writer Pablo Torre talks to John about marijuana in sports, the harsh punishments for using it (see also: Josh Gordon’s suspension vs. Ray Rice’s initial penalty), and the utility it might actually contain for professional athletes.

TALKING TO A ROCK GUY ABOUT SPORTS: The Hold Steady’s Craig Finn is a notorious fan of the Minnesota Twins and Minnesota Vikings, and John asks him to justify his devotion.  For the baseball team, it’s easy: In 1987, Finn got his driver’s license, his first girlfriend, and the Twins won the World Series.  Even though they’re “hapless” now, you can’t take that away.  As for the Vikings, well, the phrase “two-boat theory” is bandied about.