A jam-packed Home Dunk finds John Moe on Chris Conte, the New Yorker's Kelefa Sanneh talking about physical toll of MMA, Dr. Matt McCarthy on the NHL's mumps epidemic, and "Jim Harbaugh" documenting his downward spiral in San Francisco.

A jam-packed Home Dunk finds John Moe considering the case of the Chicago Bears’ Chris Conte, the New Yorker’s Kelefa Sanneh talking about the physical toll of MMA, Dr. Matt McCarthy on the NHL’s mumps epidemic, and “Jim Harbaugh” documenting his downward spiral in San Francisco.


Conte, who says he doesn’t care if football takes 10-15 years off his life, may be wrong, but not for the reason you think.
Sulking Jay Cutler = sulking Dave Krieg.
Sanneh’s piece on the riveting MMA podcast.
There are more mumps cases just on the Minnesota Wild than Dr. McCarthy has seen in his entire medical career.
Why mumps is seemingly limited to professional hockey.
Dr. McCarthy’s Deadspin article.
The failed poetry of “Jim Harbaugh,” plus his use of dogs as intermediaries to communicate with Colin Kaepernick and the rest of the 49ers (60/40 feral to domesticated), and practice facility barrel fires.
The role of Harbaugh is played by actor Hal Lublin.