John Moe wants to learn how the new college football playoff is going to work. Bill Hancock, the playoff's executive director, tells him. Plus: Christina Kahrl of Baseball Prospectus checks in with an update on MLB free agency.

John Moe wants to learn how the new college football playoff is going to work.  Bill Hancock, the playoff’s executive director, tells him.  It involves Condoleezza Rice, a ceremonial hat rack, and Grapevine, Texas.

Later, Christina Kahrl of Baseball Prospectus checks in with an update on baseball free agency, covering Jon Lester, Pablo Sandoval, Giancarlo Stanton, and, um, Richie Sexson.  (Yes, we realize that Christina appears to be calling in from a haunted house.)

All this, plus an update from the Norwegian Men’s Professional Basketball League, on this edition of Home Dunk.