John Moe interviews fellow writer/podcast host/basketball enthusiast/Seattle SuperSonics mourner Sherman Alexie to talk Kobe, reservation hoops, and mascots.

John Moe interviews fellow writer/podcast host/basketball enthusiast/Seattle SuperSonics mourner Sherman Alexie on this episode.  Among the items covered:

Kobe Bryant as Orson Welles in Touch of Evil.
Their not-at-all hidden glee over Bryant’s Lakers getting steamrolled by the Golden State Warriors.
Guys who say basketball is “just a game” NEVER think it’s just a game.  (I can confirm this.)
With the Sonics now the Oklahoma City Thunder, the authors’ reversion to “hate fandom” and their tentative outreach to the Portland Trail Blazers.
Basketball as the sport of American poverty.
The wonders of reservation hoops.  (The poem referenced is here.)
Why people are finally paying attention to offensive mascot names.
The genesis of Sherman and Jess Walter’s A Tiny Sense Of Accomplishment podcast.

John also talks about power, in the person of new executive director of the NBA Players’ Association and all-around badass Michele Roberts and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, and reads Rejected Super Bowl Halftime Show Proposals from his book, Dear Luke, We Need to Talk. Darth.


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