Interview with Dan Khasis CEO of Route4Me Even a decade ago, the ability for employees to work from home seemed like a distant dream. But today, more and more companies are embracing the telecommute business strategy of home-based workers. It is no longer about “working from the beach.” It’s become a whole new approach to the way people work. Embracing the “Computer-Commuter” wave - in a big way - is Dan Khasis, CEO and founder of Route4Me, one of the country’s lead route optimization software companies. Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Dan Khasis on how he built his company with 100% telecommuting staff; and discuss his first-hand experience on how to make telecommuting work for owner and worker alike. Subjects discussed in podcast include: What led Dan Khasis to build a company with 100% telecommutersWhy some businesses are hesitant to embrace telecommutingspecialized training to ensure teleworkers communicate effectivelyBiggest struggles leading a team of telecommutersHow to tell when a specific person is just not “cut-out” to work as a telecommuterDan’s biggest benefit in having a workforce of 100% telecommuters Episode Sponsor: Marblelife Franchise * Visit the Podcast Website