Interview with Salvatore Passariello founder of Hair Illusion Product Line We’ve been inspired by many stories of entrepreneurs who have overcome staggering odds to achieve home business success. But how about starting literally from a jail cell, behind a shower curtain, to launching a million-dollar business. Salavatore “Ronnie” Passariello has done just that, with an inspiring story of business success with a popular product that helps men and women with thinning hair, due to various medical and hair complications. Yes, Salvatore used a shower curtain and a $200 laptop to start Hair Illusion ( Sherilyn Colleen, Managing Editor, and Richard “Cap’n” Henderson interview Salvatore on his entrepreneurial success story that offers great inspirational advice. Ronnie Passariello is also here to tell us how he uses Instagram to build his successful brand, Hair Illusion. Instagram has proven his top social media platforms for marketing and creating revenue. Subjects discussed in podcast include: Salvatore’s inspiring story of going from prison to launching the popular Hair Illusion product lineObstacles Salavatore overcame to achieve business successBuilding your brand through InstagramObstacles overcome in using Instagram for brand-buildingHow Instagram gives leverage to your marketingSalavatore’s plans for using Instagram in the future Episode Sponsor: Primetime Network * Visit the Podcast Website