Buckle up, kids, cause it’s gonna be a good one!  This week the boys talk about Suicide Squad.  Was it as bad as the internet says it is?  Also, this past weekend was the Titanfall 2 Tech Test.  Kevin spent some time hands-on with it and gives us his thoughts.  We also talk our plans going into Destiny Rise of Iron now that we’re a month away.  Tim revisited some oldies but goodies with The Nice Guys and talks buddy cop movies and some of the best cinematic pairings.  Tim gives us his initial thoughts after starting HBO’s The Night Of.

It’s also the last saturday without college football! The guys talk last season and look forward to this year as well as their fantasy football outlook for this year.  We give an update to changes to the podcast and where it’s headed!  Fret not, we will still strive to bring you the very best each and every episode.

Home Before Dark hearkens back to a time when you and your friends in the neighborhood were forced inside. Where you discovered a level of brotherhood/sisterhood that could only be forged through playing video games, watching movies, television and discussing the finer things in life over an Orange Lavaburst Hi-C and Bagel Bites. We take the time out to talk about the current games we’re playing, movies we’ve seen recently(new or old) and all the things in between.

It’s almost that time.  The streetlights just came on and you had better leave soon to be Home Before Dark.  Find the whole gang on twitter @timherband @the_ARC1TECTand collectively @HomeB4Dark

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