Episode 8 - First Released 30/8/18 

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this presentation are solely those of the interviewer/interviewee and do not in any way represent the views of the Holywell Trust, its partners or their funders. 

Roisin O’Hagan and Gerard Deane return with a new edition of the Holywell Trust Podcast updating you on the work of the Holywell Trust and their partners. Since our last Holywell Podcast Roisin has taken over the role of Co-Ordinator at the North West Community Network. She discusses the work she has been undertaking since taking up the role, why local community groups should get behind the Community Network and upcoming events the NWCN will be hosting in the next few weeks. Eamonn Baker of Towards Understanding and Healing speaks with Gerard about a series of events the organisation will be hosting through the Holywell Trust Building including Darach MacDonald's book launch titled "Hard Border- Walking Through a Century of Irish Partition", The City of Jazz Festival, Good Relations Week events and a lunch time Testimony event featuring Victor Montgomery. Plus there is news regarding the most recent Brexit Focus Podcast and the application process for the next Holywell Stew.