Welcome to another exciting episode of Holy Smokes! Welcome back to another episode of Holy Smokes! In today's episode, titled "Seattle Chapter," we dive into the captivating and life-changing stories of new people joining our sacred circle. Host Steve Reiter, along with guests Zack, Buzz Leonard, and Jim Canfield, share their personal experiences of brotherhood, camaraderie, and deep conversations that have left an indelible impact on their lives. From encounters with retired SEALs and confronting fathers about achievements to building connections and discussing theology, these devoted men embody the power of vulnerability and authentic storytelling. Join us as we delve into the importance of consistent gatherings, the value of support systems, and the beauty of building relationships around fire pits, cigars, and shared meals. So grab your headphones and get ready for an inspiring and soul-stirring journey on this episode of Holy Smokes.


00:02:19 Met Buzz, had coffee, shared a story, and bonded.
(05:06) Wealthy man questions his purpose; powerful sermon.
(06:54) Went to see Joe, saw beautiful deer.
(1:21) Expanding the porch for men to gather around the fire.
(13:36) Men need fellowship in brokenness, not just accountability.
(16:29) Lively group discussing hermeneutics and Jesus.
(20:51) Building relationships and sharing stories through Jesus.
(22:39) Kids admire their dad, it's amazing. Bonding time every Tuesday from 3:30 to 10:30.
(26:45) Making money for the night business is crucial.
(28:48) Prayer for 100 guys, cheap woodshed accommodation.
(32:27) Consistent commitment to weekly cigar gatherings.
(35:19) Men have a deep need for companionship.
(38:26) Appreciation for Jim, Buzz, and Holy Smoke.


About the Guest:  Jim Canfield was new in Seattle and didn't have any friends. He called up Buzz, whom he had recently met, and they decided to meet for coffee. Jim shared his story with Buzz, who was a great source of encouragement for him during this time. Jim mentioned that he had no friends in Seattle, and he even joked about not having a Rolodex, as all his contacts were in St. Louis. Buzz became Jim's first friend in Seattle and eventually became his best friend. Intrigued, Jim asked Buzz to tell him about the deer whisperer.