Can you have a healthy business where quality leads your success? Revenue and profit follow? In the next few minutes you’ll hear one example. As usual, i’m hoping that an example will get you into a frame of mind to workshop it into existence at your business, whether you run, or on a team at a cafe, restaurant, food truck, cocktail bar or brewery.  You do your own research. can you infuse this into your business.


There is a  popular Indian restaurant group in London. The restaurant group is called Dishoom. There are 8 locations in UK, all based on Irani cafes in Bombay. Their tagline is “from Bombay with Love”

Thakrar father told him as a teenager that he "really shouldn't measure profit.” Which was his fathers way of getting him to shift his focus.

When starting or running a business Thakrar, the owner of Dishoom suggests taking four steps:

Find something that moves the customer and the employees. Figure out what that is in you, do that and do more of that. Find a way of making money out of that thing and make that business model work. Focus not on the money, but on the thing that is giving you that emotional connection.

How can quality be the underlying principle that guides your staff, delights your customers, and makes you personally feel that a little poetry in your heart.

Enjoy listening...