The fourth pillar of a successful business is product & quality. Those words translate into a consistent and elusive practice of quality control within a business.  Studying the Six Pillars of Success as a method for business owners to roadmap change and stability into their business. The Six Pillars are Brand Strategy, Financial Stability, Operations, Product Quality, Avenues & Distribution, and Hospitality.

Meaghan Carpenter, owner of HEX Ferments shares their methods and creative thinking when they make their kimchi, krauts and kombucha. The ancient techniques of preserving food is an art. Rarely do we find an Arc of Taste in our modern food chain. HEX Ferments is that niche business that never stops striving for the best. Science and taste have led their path to HEX Ferments' high caliber product. 

In November HEX Ferments opened HEX Superette and HEX Tasting Room. This brings "How to HEX" (how to add ferments to your diet) to life. They have added two new big facets to their business. They extend the word "quality" to a new way of experiencing their product. 

Quality is where product, service and time blend togther. It is an elusive concept. One that each business owner strives to achieve.