Roger Beaudoin of Restaurant Rockstars sat down with me, Martha Lucius, and we had a deep and far reaching conversation. He is a restaurant consultant., known for tools and resources for restaurant owners who are ready to maximize their sales and profits

Roger is more than a restaurant consultant. He is also a podcast host, and has owned several restaurants that boast solid revenue, good profit and strong teams. The two of us met through our podcasts. You’ll get to hear how we both think similarly  on revenue, profits and people.  Listen for the academy and an app he created to help owners. 

If you are an owner, you are probably busy dealing with your labor, food costs, services…okay, you’re dealing with every little detail of your business. As a former owner, I know you are doing what you think you need to do. Just know that you do not need to do it alone. There are smart, engaged consultants and strategists like Roger and me who want you to have agency in what you are doing. We each do that in different ways. Remember, work smarter not harder. That’s what got me to better revenue, better profits, and a fun and lively culture that is good for your team and your guest.