Irena Stein is a Baltimore restauranteur for the last 18 years. That would be impressive on it's own.  There is far more to Irena Stein, and it's a joy to share what many people do not know. She is a creative, and artistic human!  She has allowed that artistic self to find a home in Alma Cocina Latina, with a variety of plants in the restaurant. Many plants. Inside the restaurant you'll see more than plants. Black and white photos on some walls, a stunning mural to accentuate her love of nature. Her love of nature does not stop in her ability to create an appealing space. She respect nature which the menu reflects by using local produce, minimizing waste, recycling and consistently building her business with sustainability in mind. 

This episode is a conversation on beauty and art, and how releasing those aspects into your restaurant can create solace--for the managers, the bartenders, the chef, the servers, Irena (the owner), Mark (her partner)as well as every single guest. You feel nature surrounding you in this lovely restaurant. Today we invite you to listen, and then to look up the website and their IG