Sylvia is an actress from North Carolina. She went to college and moved on to get her MFA from a prestigious college acting program.  After school she moved to New York City and landed a bi-costal agency.  She got busy and did a number of plays.  She made the transition to commercials, film and television and was able to make her living as an actor.  A great job took her to Los Angeles, and she decided to stay. Her momentum came to a bit of a stop in the new city.  While her agents in New York were passionate about her, it seems the Los Angeles crew did not see the same magic.  The auditions slowed down as did her income.  Sylvia took a day job which got in the way of some of her opportunities.  Now Sylvia is confused.  What did she do wrong?  Maybe she should have stayed in New York. How can she fix it? Let get into it.