Anna is a 32 year old actress from New Jersey.  She moved to New York City right after high school and got her first agent, a commercial agent, from a showcase she did at her acting school.  The agent got her out right away and she actually booked her first audition.  A national network commercial for McDonalds.  This got her a SAG card. (It was just SAG at that time)  She went on to book two more commercials in her first year. A regional bank spot and another network commercial for Pepsi.  She was able to give up her waitress job she had gotten upon arriving in the city and was even able to save a bit.  The commercials kept coming over the next few years and by 25 she was working 5 to 10 spots a year and making a good living as an a commercial actress in NYC.  She changed agents midway through her run and went with one of the bigger agencies and that seemed to work out well as her income increased from better negotiations and a contract to be the spokesperson for a chain of regional furniture stores.  Her career was going great, but now Anna wants to expand into the film and television world.  Up until now she has made some halfhearted attempts to get a theatrical agent, but to no avail.  Her commercial agency has a strong legit department, but she can’t seem to get them to take a chance on her.  How does she break through?  Does she have what it takes to work in that part of the business and why won’t someone give her the chance when she is a proven money maker?