Everyone has a ghost story.
It might be an urban legend you heard in a sleepover or that time you saw a family member appear and disappear in a blink of an eye before they died. It might not even be your story.
We all have ghost stories that have crawled into the deepest parts of us and never let go. If you’re lucky then these stories may have not involved you.
Cross the threshold with us as the nights get a little longer and the veil gets thinner with Saturday Night Ghost Club on Patreon.
Tune in and enjoy our bi-weekly installments of these raw ghost stories that are apart of our Saturday Night Ghost Club! Become a patreon today at patron.com/hollyweirdparanormal for as little as $1 or more a month you will enjoy these tales two Saturdays a month.
Here’s  a sample of Sean’s tale , The Fraggle







Everyone has a ghost story.

It might be an urban legend you heard in a sleepover or that time you saw a family member appear and disappear in a blink of an eye before they died. It might not even be your story.

We all have ghost stories that have crawled into the deepest parts of us and never let go. If you’re lucky then these stories may have not involved you.

Cross the threshold with us as the nights get a little longer and the veil gets thinner with Saturday Night Ghost Club on Patreon.

Tune in and enjoy our bi-weekly installments of these raw ghost stories that are apart of our Saturday Night Ghost Club! Become a patreon today at patron.com/hollyweirdparanormal for as little as $1 or more a month you will enjoy these tales two Saturdays a month.

Here’s  a sample of Sean’s tale , The Fraggle