Continuing with our investigation at the East West Players Theatre in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles.  What did the spirits of this theater have in store for us?  What did they have to say?  Well, you must tune in to find out!

Please check out the East West Players theater if you have a chance or if you're in and around town to catch a show then click on this link for more info EAST WEST PLAYERS


Please join us at the 1st Annual Parapod Festival March 31st-April 1 in Santa Clarita!

For tickets and more details click on the link PARAPOD FEST


Continuing with our investigation at the East West Players Theatre in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles.  What did the spirits of this theater have in store for us?  What did they have to say?  Well, you must tune in to find out!

Please check out the East West Players theater if you have a chance or if you’re in and around town to catch a show then click on this link for more info EAST WEST PLAYERS


Please join us at the 1st Annual Parapod Festival March 31st-April 1 in Santa Clarita!

For tickets and more details click on the link PARAPOD FEST