"I'm all about removing barriers!" Rachel S. Heslin

Today's guest Rachel S. Heslin, learned the hard way that asking for help is essential to a successful life and career. In this episode she shares that experience with us, and all the lessons learned from it. 

Lessons like, why is it so important to forgive ourselves first?..and learning to ignore "shoulds" and other peoples goals for us. This is something many of us struggle with, and in this episode, she shares ways to be more accepting of ourselves and how to develop a growth mindset. 

Rachel has been immersed in the study of psychology for over 40 years. Her father, a clinical psychologist, taught his children his craft and Rachel was first introduced to Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) when she was only 9 years old.

Rachel is the author of two books: "Navigating Life: 8 Different Strategies to Guide Your Way", and "Rituals of Release: How to Make Room for Your New Life". She is also the founder of The Fullness of Your Power, helping people embrace all parts of their true selves so they can live happier, more successful, and more deeply fulfilling lives.

In this conversation, Rachel so generously breaks down the 8 strategies from her book along with her idea of rituals. 

It's a great conversation, one that will leave you with some serious tools to guide YOUR way. 

You can email Rachel for more info at [email protected]

And you can purchase her books at the links below:

Navigating Life: 8 Different Strategies to Guide Your Way

Rituals of Release: How to Make Room for Your New Life