Ambers guest, Tracie Root, is a coach, a speaker, an educator, and founder of Gather -  a community building space located in Santa Cruz...and now also online to serve everyone no matter where there at in the world. 

Her story is one of loss, love, rebuilding, courage and finding ways to thrive in the midst of all kinds of adversity. 

Tracie ended her career in corporate America and found her new calling after her partner of almost 20 years passed away. Tracie and her two toddlers were left with no family nearby, a house “underwater” from the housing crisis of 2008, and she just couldn’t see how anything was going to change.

Then, years later, through an unexpected avenue, she was able to find her way back to her former step at a time. She shifted her career to one of helping others at a deeper level while making more time for her own fulfillment, adventure, and joy.

In this conversation she and Amber chat about wellness, goal-setting, entrepreneurship, overcoming tragedy and loss, and of course; this last 18 months of pandemic life. 

This episode was recorded in May, and unfortunately, now at the end of August, not much has changed...except kids are going back to school in most areas. But, otherwise, we're still in a place of confusion and uncertainty. 

Hope this episode helps inspire you and bring you hope. Because, we will get through this; and if we let this challenging time strengthen and change us, we'll be better for it.

Like Tracie says, "everything that happens in life is so we can be ready for what's next".  

You can connect with Tracie by email at [email protected]