We're talking about abdominal adhesions and belly health with LMT Isabel Spradlin, and it sounds like almost everyone has them or will develop them over time. 
Isabel explains what adhesions are and how working to correct them can help treat digestive issues, endometriosis pain, menstrual discomforts, and so much more! 
Adhesions can be caused by surgery, but also from daily life (repetitive movement or stress), dehydration, blunt force trauma and pregnancy. It sounds as if almost everyone could use some abdominal adhesion work in their life and if you're not able to work with Isabel in-person, she also offers a small internal directory to help you connect with other practitioners closer to you. 
You can also find Isabel and other abdominal massage practitioners at HealingWaze.com
If you're a practitioner and looking to learn Isabel's technique, she offers an online training program. This and all of her abdominal adhesion resources can be found at healmybelly.com
If you're looking for self care techniques she offers a whole program featuring how-to videos at https://abdominaladhesiontreatment.com/getting-started/
Isabel is a also a business nerd like Amber and loves helping other practitioners succeed. She's created a whole online program (including CEU's) for massage therapists who want to build their own business at IsabelSpradlin.com
Follow Isabel's Facebook and get belly health resources:
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