Have you ever done something, that although it may have seemed crazy to some, you just knew you had to do it? 

This is something Amber and her guest, Vanessa Couto are very familiar with - in different ways. 

Vanessa immigrated to the US from Brazil when she was just 10 years old. Her lifelong quest to bridge what she loves, her interests, and her livelihood has driven her to follow her dreams no matter where they may take her...and no matter how scary they may seem. 

She now lives in Portland Oregon by way of the East Coast, where she spent the later half of her childhood and some of her college years. Vanessa holds a degree in Counseling Psychology, which you will learn in this episode came in pretty handy when she was forced to navigate the death of her father while birthing a business. 

She says, she always thought that life had a purpose, and that SHE had a purpose. And, that is true for all of us; life does have a purpose and so do you. 

Have you found your purpose or are you still searching? 

Either way, you're going to really enjoy listening to this conversation.

If you're now pondering the big questions about life’s transitions, purpose and livelihood, Vanessa may be the perfect companion to go on that journey with you. She's an archetypal astrologer, artist, and teacher...and an idea maven. 

Working with Vanessa can help you claim all the spokes of your life's wheel. Whether you're at a crossroads or needing help getting your business to stand out from the crowd, you don’t have to do this alone.

Learn more about her work at Vanessa Couto.com

Follow her on Facebook and Instagram to get tons of helpful-FREE content.  

Learn more about Vanessa's role as part of the support team at HealingWaze.com.