You're in for a treat, with this unique episode! Normally Ambers guests are sharing the details of painful or challenging things that have happened to them in the past. Then we get to hear them talk about triumph, lessons learned, and how it has changed much they've grown.

Todays guest, Lesley Tesh agreed to have a conversation with Amber while currently going through a divorce, and the pandemic. Talk about vulnerability! She said this phase she's currently in the middle of is extremely hard, but that she knows, she will be "transformed" on the other side. 

With that attitude, she's perfect for this podcast! 

Lesley, who is embracing the wisdom that comes with turning fifty; is a mom, an actress (one from one of Ambers favorite shows), and most recently; the creator of 'Your Badass Story'. Even in the midst of her own pain, she was able to create something that is helping inspire and motivate others. 

She says, "We're all on a journey and we all have a badass story, whether we realize it or not". 

After listening to this episode, you should definitely join Lesley and Amber on Instagram at Your Badass Story