"Find a rock. Pick it up." That's Liisa's motto.

Call them what you want; Crystals... Stones... Rocks... They're all the same-minerals from the earth that have very powerful healing properties.

Liisa Fenech-Petrocchi is a Reiki Practitioner, Energy Healer and teacher. Not only does she use crystals to help her clients clear, ground and reset-she uses them religiously for herself and her family.

Anxiety? Insomnia? Icky Energy?

Crystals and their natural partner, essential oils, work wonders for people, and spaces.

Liisa uses both in helping to clear stuck energy from people, homes, offices, and even cars. In this episode you'll hear how she does it, why she does it and how you can help yourself using both tools.

To learn more about Liisa and Vibe Healing Arts visit www.VibeHealingArts.com

Amber, has now partnered with Liisa and Vibe Healing Arts. If you're in Portland, they offer many local events and if you're not in Portland-there are many ways they can still serve you.

Learn about their monthly women's gathering "Raise Your Vibe": https://vibehealingarts.com/events/2019/9/29/raise-your-vibe

By Participating in this podcast you agree that this is not a replacement for medical services and are encouraged to seek immediate medical care if needed. Read our full disclaimer here. https://healingwaze.com/healingwaze-disclaimer/