Annabel Fisher spent her life helping heal and inspire others. She called herself "The Breakthrough Coach". When you listen to this episode, you'll understand why. 

Annabel was first diagnosed with stage four Ovarian Cancer in 2015. In August of 2018, Annabel was given two months to live. Rather than wallowing in self pity (for too long); this scary diagnosis gave her a different, even more beautiful and inspiring, perspective on life.

Annabel goes into detail about her very real journey through cancer and how mindset and gratitude really helped her make the most of her life in her last months. She even contributes it to helping her live much further beyond her prognosis

A quote from Annabel, found on her Facebook page says just that; 

"There are ALWAYS diamonds to be found. No matter how crappy the situation, I can dig a little deeper and choose to interpret the situation in a different way. That is something I DO still have - the power to choose"

This and so much more is what you'll take away from this episode. 

Much love and thanks go out to Annabels friend and fellow holistic practitioner Lyn Delmastro-Thomson for sharing this interview with us. Learn more about Lyn at

Stay to the end to hear Annabel choose cards from her very own "make your one life count every day" deck-closing with a special message of kindness, love and inspiration.  

Annabels Facebook page is filled with love reflecting back to her from those she's touched. Here's one of our favorites:

If you have questions about Annabel please leave them in the comments and Lyn or Amber will follow up with you.

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