Rachel West said something during this conversation that we know will resonate with many of you. She said, "The #1 person we lie to the most is ourselves, so just be honest with yourself!". 

Sounds easy, right!?!?

But for many people it's not. Lies to stay in relationships, whether friends, romantic or even family. Lies about choices that are bad for your health...one more cupcake isn't gonna hurt?!?! 

Have you told yourself and others that you're "OK" when you're really NOT "OK"? 

We don't know why people do this, but I bet it's some kind of avoidance technique. It's a way of not having to look at the stuff outside of our comfort zone. 

But, that's exactly how we move forward....heal...and live happy, fulfilling, successful lives. We must face our stuff, learn self awareness, and step out of our comfort zones. 

And, that's what Rachel and Amber are talking about today...

Rachel is a Personal Growth Coach, Breakthrough Expert, Speaker and Author of "The Successful Woman’s Mindset: Unlock The Secrets of Success, Activate Your Power". 

Rachel grew up surrounded by people with addiction and mental illness and her own diagnosis of a learning disability, which really held her back in life. But, once she learned how to shed that label and the fear of others judgement; she discovered her life's purpose and now she's doing what she loves - helping others live more fulfilling authentic lives.  

It all starts with choosing change over comfort! 

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