Previous Episode: Transitions and Change
Next Episode: The Dragonfly Momma

"After 40, losing weight is really hard."

"It's normal to gain weight as you age."

"I can't lose weight no matter what."

You've probably heard (or said) at least one of these in various forms. In this conversation with Lyn Delmastro-Thomson, we talk about all of these topics and why they don't have to be true for you. 

Lyn is a BodyTalk practitioner who has had her own struggles with weight loss. Once she began focusing on balancing her hormones and metabolism through this powerful energy technique; the weight loss became so much easier. Today she is glowing with health and vitality, along with a greater store of energy for the things she loves to do. 

This type of healing can happen for most of us-we just need to start listening to our bodies. 

If you are someone who has "done all the right things" and still never see results, this episode is for you. 

If you struggle with other metabolic disorders, even being underweight; this episode is for you. 

Learn more about Lyn on HealingWaze: 

And, online at

Lyn has her own podcast: Unleash Your Healing Potential  

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