Hello Colorado Rapids fans. This week on Holding The High Line, the Interim Cup is up for grabs! Rabbi and Red banter about the second Pádraig Smith press conference. We discuss Luis Díaz joining the Rapids on waivers. Thanks for the insight, Ralph Schudel. Then we give our initial impressions of Chris Little as interim manager and what affect he could have on the team. Matt also pieces together a timeline of the Robin Fraser firing.

Then we preview Saturday's game. The Interim Cup or the Omar Gonzalez Derby? Whatever you call it, both teams are a mess. What's going on with the Revs now that Bruce Arena has resigned? An interim to the interim manager, players refusing to train, and still no answers about what Bruce did in the first place. Never mind all the injuries and departures on defense. Carles Gil can singlehandedly will this game still, right?

Jamie Rooke joins the show to break down the fallout, what it means for New England, and what more chaos could come. You can catch up on his work for Last Word on Soccer here and here.

HTHL has obtained an advanced copy of the C38 open letter to the Rapids front office and ownership, to be released Thursday morning. We've also learned about a walkout protest planned for the 20th minute on Saturday. We skim over the letter, highlight key parts, and discuss how it could be received by those it was directed at. Rapids fans care, do you Josh and Stan Kroenke? Then Matt discusses what he knows about the planned protests for Saturday, what they could look and sound line at scale, and how you can participate if you're so inclined.

We disagree with a few of the things said in the open letter. "Mistreatment of press and bloggers" could be referring to the Rapids 2 incident from back in March. We would not use the word "mistreatment" to describe what happened there. You can refresh your memory on that situation here starting at 25:38.

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