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In honor of Penny Marshall’s death on December 17, 2018, we re-watched A
League of Their Own to see if it holds up. It turns out that Penny Marshall
and her films were and are timeless gems. And, there is crying in baseball!

In honor of Penny Marshall’s death on December 17, 2018, we re-watched A League of Their Own to see if it holds up. It turns out that Penny Marshall and her films were and are timeless gems. And, there is crying in baseball!

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Here are the articles we reference in this episode:

Penny Marshall’s Legacy is Bigger Than the Piano Scene in ‘Big’ by Meghan O’Keefe

Penny Marshall and the Movies That Shaped Me by Bobby Finger

And the tweets we referenced:

RIP Penny Marshall. The scene in A League Of Her Own where the black woman throws the ball from the stands was so important as a kid growing up. We all knew it what it meant and most director’s wouldn’t have included it. That’s why she was one of the best. #RIPPennyMarshall

— Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) December 18, 2018

Imagine A League Of Their Own sequel that starts with the scene of the black woman throwing the ball back from the stands and you stay with her and it becomes a biopic on the 3 black women that played in the Negro Leagues (Toni Stone, Mami "Peanut" Johnson & Connie Morgan).

— Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) December 18, 2018

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