What were our takeaways from Crimes of Grindelwald. Would this story have been better as books first, films second? Big reasons why people liked/disliked the movie How did we manage to appreciate the film the first and second time around? Were we able to catch more details after multiple viewings or were we still confused?  Why all the negativity? Are the fans concerned with J.K. Rowling’s ability to tell a story? There is a clear division in the fandom and some fans are scared that will drive us apart. We pick out some of the top moments in the screenplay that highlight and accent the film. The hosts agree, the screenplay provided a good amount of context for certain scenes.  Is Baby Corvus still alive and if so have we already been introduced to him? Segments from each podcast make it into this week’s show. We go into “The Newt Case” and play “Amortentia, Avada Kedavra, Imperio.”