How to live happily and well with endometriosis, from someone who has tried everything and lived to tell (and laugh at) the tale.

What the internet can tell you about endometriosis:

Endometriosis is a chronic and incurable condition that affects 1 in 10 women with approximately 1.6 million sufferers in the UK alone, but only 20% of the general public have heard of it. It takes an average of seven and a half years to get a diagnosis in the UK and affects sufferers' capacity to work, their fertility and their ability to enjoy sex.

What Eleanor Thom can tell you about endometriosis:

You are so much more than the sum of your private parts.

Part memoir, part guide book and part survival guide, Private Parts retraces Eleanor's own journey with endometriosis, offering readers practical, down-to-earth and friendly advice covering everything from what actually happens in an internal exam, to finding the right specialist for you, the perfect post-op wardrobe and to why you should look to Frida Kahlo for inspiration in your darkest moments.

Written for those looking to live well with their endometriosis and for those who are looking for help to understand the disease and how it affects those with it, Private Parts is a call to action for people to speak up about an illness which is still so misunderstood.