We often share our training methods and programming. But behind every plan is a philosophy. A philosophy is the set of beliefs that act as a guiding principle for our decisions. On this week's podcast we share our own training and coaching philosophies, with examples of how that translates from theory to practice.

For more information on this topic, read the complete show notes at: https://www.hmmrmedia.com/2022/01/hmmr-podcast-episode-265-philosophy-101/

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More notes:

This episode is brought to you by HMMR Plus. Become a member for full access to our videos, articles, and podcast archives. GAIN 2022 will take place from June 14 to 18 in Houston Texas. You can learn more about GAIN 2022 on GAINcast 235 and send in your application on the GAIN website. For more lessons from master coaches and their training philosophies, check out HMMR Classroom Video Lesson 14. The cumulative training effect was discussed in more detail on GAINcast 208.