It's time to open the listener mailbag again. A few times a year we solicit listener questions and take them on air. This time, the format is a little different. Recently we've been getting a lot of great questions from Boston University's Grant Cartwright. So we invited him on to help us answer some questions, ask a few of his own, and talk about the major influences on his coaching.

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This episode is brought to you by HMMR Plus. This month's site theme is microdosing, and we've got plenty of new articles, videos, and podcasts about how to get the most out of short training sessions. Become a member for full access to our videos, articles, and podcast archives. You can learn more from Cartwright on Twitter (@gwcartwright) on Instagram (@gantcartwright). You can also follow his squad on Instagram (@terrierthrows). Cartwright's former coach Jerry Clayton was a guest on GAINcast 86. Several of the topics we covered today were looked at in more detail in the HMMR Classroom. Video Lesson 1 looks at Bondarchuk programming. Video lesson 16 shares René Sack's approach to specific strength training and planning. Alternative approaches to leg strength were also covered in GAIN Video 11. You can hear us answer more Q&A on Episode 213, Episode 199Episode 176Episode 174Episode 143Episode 126 and Episode 89.

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