Delve into the themes of 'Baby Reindeer', a riveting Netflix series, with Danielle and Hannah in the H.J. Talks About Abuse Podcast. This episode presents a thoughtful discussion about the serious issues portrayed in the TV series, which include sexual abuse, stalking, and broader issues faced by survivors of such traumas. As legal experts, Danielle and Hannah also explore the legal aspects surrounding these issues.

They talk about the power dynamics, the stigmatization, and the barriers to reporting such incidents, particularly for gay and bisexual men. Listeners are warned about potentially upsetting themes. At the end of the podcast, they emphasize the importance of seeking support and help. It's a powerful discussion not just for survivors of abuse, but for all audiences to broaden their understanding and empathy towards such grave issues.

A numbe rof support services:

Services - Safeline - Believe in you - Surviving sexual abuse & rape
1in6 | Sexual Abuse of Boys & Men - Confidential Support
Support For Male Survivors - MSP - The Male Survivors Partnership
Rape Crisis England & Wales