In this episode, Alan Collins, the head of the abuse team, explores the UK Conservative government's proposals to make it easier for child sex abuse victims to bring civil claims. These proposals are designed to reduce the trauma survivors face during legal proceedings.

The episode delves into the intricacies of the Limitation Act 1980, which currently requires claims to be made within three years of a victim turning 18. Alan discusses the challenges posed by this limitation, especially for survivors who come forward many years after the abuse.

Alan examines the government's press release from May 15, 2024, which outlines a consultation on reversing the burden of proof. This change would place the onus on defendants to prove that a fair trial is not possible, rather than on victims to prove their case within the specified time frame.

The episode also compares reforms in other jurisdictions, such as Australia and Scotland, and discusses the potential impact of these changes on the justice system. Alan emphasises the importance of participating in the consultation process to ensure that the reforms are effective and fair to survivors.

Tune in to understand the proposed changes, their implications for survivors, and the importance of legal reform in achieving justice for child sex abuse victims.