This is an episode you won’t want to miss! We are honored to be talking with Rodney Smith Jr. today on the Hive Five Podcast. Rodney is the founder of the nonprofit organization, Raising Men Lawn Care Service. Raising Men Lawn Care Service is an organization that works to teach kids the importance of giving back to their communities by mowing free lawns for single moms, the elderly, veterans, and the disabled. They offer a 50 Yard Challenge that kids around the world can accept, and if they mow 50 free lawns, Rodney will fly out to them and gift them with a brand-new lawn mower.

We found Rodney on social media and started following his story before asking him to be on our podcast and tell us his story. It started many years ago when Rodney asked God to use him as a vessel, but an opportunity didn’t appear immediately. It wasn’t until 2015 when he passed by an elderly man that was struggling to mow his lawn. Rodney stopped to help him out and from there, decided to mow free lawns for those in need of it. After a little while, he started Raising Men Lawn Care as a way to mentor kids ages 7-17 by showing them how much of an impact they can make with just a lawn mower.

Out of this came the 50 Yard Challenge. Currently, 22 kids have completed the 50 Yard Challenge, and 244 kids around the world are working to complete it in countries like the US, Canada, Bermuda, England, and even Australia. The reward system is similar to the martial arts belt system. When kids accept the 50 Yard Challenge, they get a white shirt from Raising Men, but as they complete 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards, they will get different colored shirts before hitting 50 when they get to meet Rodney and get a brand-new lawn mower.

This episode is so encouraging and inspirational guys! I’d highly recommend it, and it will definitely spur you to better serve those around you! Please let us know what you think of Rodney and his mission, and give the episode a listen to hear about what Rodney is working on moving forward!

Rodney’s 5 Key Takeaways

1. Just do it!

2. Be kind.

3. Follow your heart.

4. Find your purpose.

5. Always believe in God.

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This is an episode you won’t want to miss! We are honored to be talking with Rodney Smith Jr. today on the Hive Five Podcast. Rodney is the founder of the nonprofit organization, Raising Men Lawn Care Service. Raising Men Lawn Care Service is an organization that works to teach kids the importance of giving back to their communities by mowing free lawns for single moms, the elderly, veterans, and the disabled. They offer a 50 Yard Challenge that kids around the world can accept, and if they mow 50 free lawns, Rodney will fly out to them and gift them with a brand-new lawn mower.

We found Rodney on social media and started following his story before asking him to be on our podcast and tell us his story. It started many years ago when Rodney asked God to use him as a vessel, but an opportunity didn’t appear immediately. It wasn’t until 2015 when he passed by an elderly man that was struggling to mow his lawn. Rodney stopped to help him out and from there, decided to mow free lawns for those in need of it. After a little while, he started Raising Men Lawn Care as a way to mentor kids ages 7-17 by showing them how much of an impact they can make with just a lawn mower.

Out of this came the 50 Yard Challenge. Currently, 22 kids have completed the 50 Yard Challenge, and 244 kids around the world are working to complete it in countries like the US, Canada, Bermuda, England, and even Australia. The reward system is similar to the martial arts belt system. When kids accept the 50 Yard Challenge, they get a white shirt from Raising Men, but as they complete 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards, they will get different colored shirts before hitting 50 when they get to meet Rodney and get a brand-new lawn mower.

This episode is so encouraging and inspirational guys! I’d highly recommend it, and it will definitely spur you to better serve those around you! Please let us know what you think of Rodney and his mission, and give the episode a listen to hear about what Rodney is working on moving forward!

Rodney’s 5 Key Takeaways

Just do it!

Be kind.

Follow your heart.

Find your purpose.

Always believe in God.

Check out Raising Men Lawn Care Service:

Follow Rodney’s Travels on Twitter:

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More Info about the 50 Yard Challenge:

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Visit BriteBee's website here:

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