Welcome to episode 333 of Hit the Mic with The Stacey Harris.

Today we're answering a question I get all the time, the "how often" question. We're going to talk about how often you should be creating content, because it really hinges on three other questions. There is not, contrary to what Pinterest infographics may tell you, one perfect answer to this question. It really depends on the answers to a few other questions. We're going to go through those questions so that you can figure out the answer for you because, guess what, guys, it might be different than the answer for me. Just like my answer now is different than my answer was a year ago or two years ago or three years ago when we started this show.

As you might know, we moved from two episodes a week to one episode a week moving into 2017. It's been a little weird because I created 300 and something episodes of the show going twice a week for three years, almost four years, so it's a little strange still, I'll be honest, but again, it became about, what is the answer to these questions. That's why I wanted to present this to you, because this answer might even be different for you now than it was before. Go through this. Remember there's not one right answer to this question. If you say, "Well, you know, you do episode once a week, maybe that's what I should do." No, not necessarily. Okay, so let's jump in.

First things first, real talk, guys, your schedule.

If you are currently doing the side hustle thing, then committing to doing five blog posts, podcast episodes, videos, whatever it is, a week, is going to be really, really, really difficult. Even if you're full time, it's still going to be really difficult. Five episodes a week is a lot. Five pieces of valuable content a week is a lot, so that might feel impossible to you, then that's not the best place to start. Or maybe you have gone full time but you have the content to do more than once a month. That may feel like just not enough for you. Great, if your schedule allows you to do more, do more. Factor in, first and foremost, what is your schedule? When do you have the time and space to create value?

One little thing I want you to notice about that statement is, I didn't say to create content. I said, to create value. If you say, "Oh, well I can absolutely bust out six or seven blog posts a day, no problem, easy breezy." How much value are you going to be able to find in that content when you're busting out six or seven pieces a day? Not a lot. Certainly if you're doing that five days a week. It's tough. Now, full disclosure, I do tend to do four-ish episodes of these when I record them, but I don't do that every day, I do that every few weeks. I'm trying to get to a point where I'm doing this once a month where I record four weeks of podcasts in a day. That, A, it took me time to get there, B, I know the answer to a lot of other questions, so it's easier for me to create content. Also, C, it's the structure I've built that allows me to do that. I'm not creating that every day. Make sure there's value in there, okay.

How much valuable content can you currently create in your schedule? Now, if you say, "Oh, well, I can absolutely do once a month." Do once a month. That's totally okay. Maximize that content, really use that content in as many ways as you can. I would rather see you honestly putting out one spectacular piece of content a month that you repurpose and you reuse and you promote the bejeezus out of, than eight half hearted pieces of content a month because you go twice a week, absolutely. First things first, what does your sche

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