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Welcome to episode 342 of Hit the Mic with The Stacey Harris.

Today we're sitting down and talking about another social media management tool. This week we're talking about viraltag. Before we get into the specifics of viraltag though, I want to make a small disclaimer that I make whenever I do any of these kinds of episodes, and that is this. The social media tool that is best is the one you're going to use. If you are not going to use it, it doesn't matter how awesome, how free, how expensive, how feature filled, how whatever. It won't work. Okay? If you love the tool you're using now, great. Use it. If you don't think that viraltag's a fit for you, that's okay you're not broken. The tool you're going to find the best results with is the one you're going to use. With that said, let's break down viraltag because for a lot of you, it might be a perfect solution. Cool? Cool.

Starting off, viraltag. Let's talk about some features. You've got the ability to schedule content for all of the big guys: Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, etc. which is a great, great place to start because not everybody has all of those features. You can also do things like upload content and schedule it in bulk. Meaning you can hit sort of all the places you need to get content to or if you have somebody who maybe writes your content for you, they can send you say, a Google spreadsheet or an excel document or whatever for your approval, and then they can upload all of those at one time into viraltag without having to sort of go in and schedule everything one by one. That's really, really powerful.

Also, you can create a slightly different post for the same piece of content all at one time. Meaning, I can upload a video or an image and create the Instagram post, the Pinterest post, the Twitter post, and the Facebook post at one time without having to upload that image four times. That is a huge, huge time saver. It's not something I've seen with a lot of other networks.

There's also integrations with things like Canva and RSS feed so you can create images and handle your content curation right inside a viraltag. I know for a lot of you being able to do things in one place is really, really valuable. With that said, one last really awesome feature and then a feature that I wish was there. The awesome feature being evergreen content, post recycling. The ability to have a queue that goes out and tweets go out and out and out and then when it's empty, it sort of cycles through again. I know a lot of you are using tools like MeetEdgar. I use eClincher to do that. I believe Sendable does that. More and more tools are adding this feature because it's a great way for us on the content curator side, our creator side of things, to keep sharing past content that still has value. And viraltag allows you to do that as well.

Now a not so great feature, or a missing feature really, is there's no social listening. With viraltag, it's all about broadcast. It's not about conversation, so you're still going to need to go use the networks or another tool to actually manage your incoming message, at replies, comments, things like that. However, the broadcast side of this tool is really solid as far as the amount of networks you're talking to, post recycling, allowing you to add your RSS feeds and things like that so you can do your content creati

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