India’s atomic energy research took a new turn by the 1960s.
On the one hand, the atomic scientists had to seek out a new challenge as the objective of nuclear power production was within reach.

They had to do something dramatic to maintain the top-secret status of their enterprise.
The bomb was the obvious answer.

On the other hand, Americans were now ready to do business with India, since India would have gone ahead to manufacture nuclear power anyway. Death of quite a few leading figures nonetheless slowed down the progress towards the bomb.

The Chinese testing their bomb by 1964 had already turned popular opinion in favour of an Indian bomb.
In retrospect, it would seem as though the rush through the passage of the Nuclear Bill of 1962 in the parliament was a preparation for the bomb.

The explosion did finally take place in May 1974, but not before the country went through a series of temporary reverses and recoveries.

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