Today on the History with Jackson Podcast we talk to Kaitlyn Weldon, M.A. to speak about Female Missionaries, and Native American Rights in 19th Century American Midwest. Across the course of the podcast we explored the life of Caroline Weldon, Native American Rights, and the American Midwest and we hope that you listening and learning from Kaitlyn. 

To read Kaitlyn's thesis which is the basis for this podcast head to

To keep up to date with Kaitlyn head to her website: 

You can also follow Kaitlyn on social media

Instagram: @the_active_historian

Twitter: @activehistorian

Facebook: @theactivehistorian

You can also watch her YouTube videos here:

To buy Eileen Pollack's Woman Walking Ahead: In Search of Catherine Weldon and Sitting Bull head to

To buy Sandra L. Myres's Westering Women and the Frontier Experience, 1800-1915 head to

To buy Glenda Riley's Women and Indians on the Frontier, 1825-1915 head to

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