Previous Episode: 26. The Christmas Tree
Next Episode: 28. Twitter

Proverbs 22:7 "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender."

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Definition of FR Banking 

Explaining FR Banking

Defining Money

About Credit Unions

Definition of Full Reserve Banking

The Rothschild Family

Alexander Hamilton

Keesee, T., & Sidwell, M. (2012). United States History Fourth Edition. Greenville, SC: BJU Press.
About the Panic of 1873

Another Source About the Panic of 1873

About the Panic of 1907

Federal Reserve Act

About the Federal Reserve Act

History of the Fed

Griffin, G. E. (2010). The Creature From Jekyll Island. Westlake Village, California: American Media.

Fed Board of Governors Timeline

Annuit Coeptis

Novus Ordo Seclorum

About the Gold Standard

FR Banking in the 1800s -1930s

About the Dollar Bill

About the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement

Great Recession

Official Bitcoin Website

About Bitcoin Count