So, for the final episode of 2020 where we have been living through a pandemic, I wanted to look back at a different pandemic, the bubonic plague, but not the Black Death of the 1300s that you may be thinking of. I want to look into an outbreak that is a little less well known, the time that the bubonic plague came to Australian shores.

This episode is designed to go with a Middle Years unit looking at the Black Death and examining the historical concept of continuity and change.

Accompanying teaching resources for this episode can be found on my Amped Up Learning Store

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Reflection Questions

What were three pandemics so far have arrived in Australia by boat since the 1900s? (Bubonic plague 1900, Spanish Flu 1919, Coronavirus 2020.)List the similarities between the 1900 bubonic plague and the 2020 coronavirus.What is your opinion on learning from the past? Should politicians be looking at past pandemics to inform their decisions about policies now? Why or why not?What are the pros and cons of looking at the past to learn about current events?Reflect on some of the changes that you have personally witnessed during the coronavirus pandemic. Have you had to make minor or major changes? Do you behave differently in public now? Has anyone you know been impacted?What was your personal experience during the panic buying? Did your family run out of things that you would usually have around the house?What long term changes have you seen as a result of the coronavirus?What industries do you think have been impacted economically? (You can discus both negative and positive economic impacts.)

Contact: Twitter @HistoryDetect, Instagram @HistoryDetective9, email  [email protected]

All original music written and performed by Kelly Chase.