Before there was the Warrior Nun on Netflix, there was Hōjō Masako, “Shogun Nun”, who was the wife of the very first shogun of Japan and a formidable political activist. After her hubby died, she shaved her head, and became a nun, but she continued to hold political sway until her death at 69 years of age, outliving her husband and 4 children.

This episode is designed to align to a Year 8 unit on Shogunate Japan.

Additional  resources can be purchased from my Amped Up Learning Store

(Find transcript here)

Have you ever studied a topic where there have been very few stories about the women present?Considering women generally make up 50% of the population, should we be sharing more stories about women?How have ideas about women in leadership changed over time?Are there ideas about women in leadership from the past that are still carried on today?What is your opinion on hereditary leadership positions? Should these positions be inherited or earned? Justify your point of view.What are the ethical issues surrounding seeking revenge for wrongs done to another family member? Can you think of instances of this behaviour in modern society?Can songs and films be a reliable source of historical information? How would you corroborate the information presented in a creative interpretation?

Contact: Twitter @HistoryDetect, Instagram @HistoryDetective9, email  [email protected]

All original music written and performed by Kelly Chase.