October 17, 2016 - This week, our time machine travels back to 1965, where we'll meet Jonathan Daniels -- a white seminary student who answered Rev. Martin Luther King Jr’s call to help with voter registration in Loundes County, Alabama. After the voting rights marches, Daniels remained to assist civil rights workers -- and gave his life saving black teenager Ruby Sales from a shotgun blast. Today, you can find Dr. Sales at The Spirit House, still working for the cause of civil rights.

Rich Wallace and Sandra Neil Wallace -- like Jonathan Daniels -- live in New Hampshire, where they discovered this local hero's sacrifice through his letters, papers, taped interviews, and stunning photographs -- many, never before shared with the public. The result is the book, Blood Brother: Jonathan Daniels and His Sacrifice for Civil Rights.

You've seen Sandra Neil Wallace's work as a news anchor and ESPN sportscaster. Rich Wallace has written over three dozen novels for children and teens, and co-wrote titles such as Babe Conquers the World with Sandra. The Young Adult Library Services Association named his novel Wrestling Sturbridge, one of the 100 Best of the Best for the Twenty-First Century.

You can find our guests at SandraNeilWallace.com and RichWallaceBooks.com, and on Twitter at SandraNWallace and RWallaceBooks.