The New York Sun - This Presidents Day, Let Us Take Inspiration From Our Leaders’ Hardships - Dean Karayanis

July 15, 2019 -  Meet the "indispensable man" of the American Revolution, when he was just a hot-headed 22-year-old, growing into the shoes that laid down the footsteps for all future presidents to follow. Peter Stark brings the first face on Mount Rushmore to live in Young Washington: How Wilderness and War Forged America's Founding Father. Peter Stark is an adventure writer and historian. He's a correspondent for Outside magazine, and you've seen his work in places like Smithsonian, The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, and Men's Journal.

Peter Stark's His previous book, Astoria, was a finalist for a PEN USA literary award. You can find our guest at, @StarkAdventurer on Twitter,, and @PeterStark_Adventure_Historian on Instagram.

If you're in the New York City area on July 31, 2019, Peter will appear at 7pm, as part of the New-York Historical Society's "Non-Fiction at the Bryant Park Reading Room" summer series. Join him there!