February 19, 2016 - Today’s history author, Michael Shelden, is the author of Young Titan: The Making of Winston Churchill. You may recall hearing praise for Young Titan in our interview with Simon Read, author of Winston Churchill Reporting: Adventures of a Young War Correspondent. The Greatest Briton's early life is often overlooked, with people understandably focusing on the image of him as a heroic figure, standing on the White Cliffs of Dover, shaking his fist in defiance at Hitler across the channel.

But Churchill's path of destiny was not a straight one. What can the way he dealt with the many bumps and curves in the road, teach us about how to deal with adversity in our own lives?

For more on the Greatest Briton life before greatness, you can also hear us catch up with Sir Winston's great-grandson, Jonathan Sandys, as he discusses the future Prime Minister's youthful sense of destiny in: God & Churchill: How the Great Leader's Sense of Divine Destiny Changed His Troubled World and Offers Hope for Ours.

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