Aug 24, 2020 - What if your grandparents had narrowly escaped a genocide that left one million people dead, just because they shared your faith and ethnic background? That's part of the Karayanis family story, in the mass murder of Greeks by Ottoman Turkey that followed the Great War.

Our guide back to the 20th Century's first genocide, is Greek-Australian Aris Tsifidis, who brings us The Genocide of the Greeks in Turkey: Survivor Testimonies from The Nicomedia (Massacres of 1920-1921). It's the first English translation of journalist Kostas Faltaits work, published in 1921 under the title, These are the Turks: Survivor Testimonies from the Nicomedia Massacre.

Aris administers the Greek Genocide Resource Center, an online portal containing bibliography, photos, testimonies and other documentation of the mass slaughter that left up to 1.5 million people dead, and forced over a million others out of the homeland where they'd lived for centuries. Connect on Twitter @Greek_Genocide and on Facebook at TheGreekGenocide and IzmitMassacres pages.

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