Today we dive into what makes Story telling different for Christian organizations and churches? What sets us apart from the world and best practices of story telling for businesses?

Donald Millar's Story Brand and Sinek's Golden Circle (Why, How, What) is wonderful ideas and principles but do they work "out of the box" for Christians who have the Gospel as their WHY?

Donors relate to a WHY. They just don't give to every non-profit out of obedience. What does "our stories" and our "story telling" have to do with motivation and our integrity?

Join in today's discussion as we look into Christin Non Profits and how we tell our ministry stories online. 

We also praise The Bucket Ministry not only for the amazing work they are doing across the globe but because of their story telling on their website. Great work (Which I have ZERO to do with.) Very well done story telling in the Christian Non Profit Space.