Molly McGrath, Founder of The Hiring & Empowering Solutions Podcast is flying solo today with value & truth bombs including the  “How To” process for processing decisions.

The Decision Making Model™ is an elimination tool of being at the mercy of “processing” procrastination while being faced with the decision to make a decision.

instead of spinning in a place of “I don’t know,” The Decision Making process provides a “How To”  streamlining and extrapolation of the habit of “processing”.

This is a process to decide and trust the risk… With LOTS of rewards.


What you will Learn in this Episode:

A 6-Step “Process for Processing” decisions with confidence, clarity and Action! The steps to start building clarity in real-time while getting you and your team back on track and into emotions in motion How to eliminate over-explaining  &  justification How to have your one-line response for when people say “what happened” and leave it at that How the “story” doesn’t matter and how to eliminate blame or defeat How to Make Decisions with the most clarity, certainty and guaranteed outcome Start to see the light that comes from your situation so you can stay committed to taking care of yourself and bounce back from whatever problem you are facing   Links and Resources

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