We are starting to see greater divergence in the political cultures of Wales and the UK in many ways but one of the most visible is the different directions of travel with regards to elections and voting. Wales (similarly to Scotland) is following a path to greater inclusivity and proportionality while lowering the minimum voting age to 16 while the UK Government is pushing voting restrictions, more 'first past the post' and maintaining votes at 18.

We discuss electoral reform in Wales and the UK Government's new Elections Bill with:
Jess Blair of the Electoral Reform Society Cymru: https://twitter.com/JessBlair7
(ERS Cymru: https://twitter.com/ERScymru )
and Maddy Dhesi of the 3 Million / Hands Off Our Vote: https://twitter.com/maddydhesi

Maddy's campaign to the Scottish Government to oppose Voter ID: https://petitions.parliament.scot/petitions/PE1921?s=09

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