50 years ago, the newly-formed Wales TUC under the stewardship of Dai Francis called for the creation of a Welsh Assembly with approximately 100 members based on multi-member constituencies. In a case of exquisite timing, this is exactly what our own parliament has recently resolved to create.

What other issues has the TUC faced in this time, what areas of work is it currently looking at and what are the current challenges for working people that will be on the agenda as it gathers for its 50th anniversary conference this week? We speak with General Secretary Shavanah Taj and Policy Officer Nisreen Mansour to find out.

We also took the opportunity to ask Shav and Nisreen about the recent controversy around the framing of Prif Weinidog Vaughan Gething's coverage in the media and whether it is indicative of racism, structural or individual. As two people with greater direct understanding of these than many in Wales, as well as the Labour Party itself, it was very illuminating to have their thoughts on what it quite a difficult subject to explore.

Our guests:
Shavanah Taj - https://x.com/shavtaj
Nisreen Mansour - https://x.com/NisreenAnnaWales
TUC Cymru - https://x.com/walestuc

As always, you can find the latest from us @hiraethpod on most social media, including Twitter/X here: https://twitter.com/HiraethPod

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